Oakhelm - ...Of Wood and Blood

By the light of the waning moon three sisters fly with the crow
upon wings born from esoteric spellcraft which few are to know
converging from different directions to weave a fate of woe
as cloud banks obscure all light from the world,
a witch's seed begins to soe

Of names unspeakable and strange
beguiling dreams with fear unknown
a whisper creeping like mist through the heart
of mortal dreams, her name you'll never know

This world of man's unrest, false gods they enthrone
as the forests, moon and earth gasp a vengeful moan

At the summit the cauldron stirred
Effigies of their leaders burned
a dark trinity turned to the sky
cursing all who walk the path of selfish human pride

As the dawn breaks through the clouds, a woman child i born
with a will of fire she walks the earth
a curse for a mortal's scorn

A destiny written of wood and blood

Now a young girl walks in the woods, and speaks to the ravens above
'I shall be the undoing of men'
She screamed aloud, and a clap of thunder unrolled
from that moment on was a destiny written of wood and blood

Her will was to know the land, and from its growth to master the magick
and pass into the nether forever!
mysteries held safe by the trees
as she passed into the nether forever!

Now she haunts the dreams of mortal men
her presence stabbing like a dagger of the blackest arts

Nevermore will the see her again
yet feel her caress as their last dying breath

A destiny written of wood and blood